Dungeon Synth Free Samples, Resources and Tutorials

On this page you'll find Dungeon Synth Video Tutorials, Free Dungeon Synth VST presets and Free Dungeon Synth samples pack (loops and one shot samples) that you can use in FL Studio, Reaper or any DAW. I hope that will be useful to other musicians!

All the presets, sounds and samples in these packs are original and made by myself: VST synthesis from scratch, heavily manipulated presets or distorded & layered samples. The packs are 100% free for commercial use. Just download them and use them as you want. If you can credit me somewhere or with a link to my bandcamp it's fine, but it is not an obligation - you're free.

Of course, do not sell the pack or upload it somewhere else.

Dungeon Synth Free VST Presets

Dungeon Synth Free VST Presets
In this pack you will find 20 free VST presets specially made for Dungeon Synth or inspired by famous Dungeon Synth tracks. There are 2 folders in the zip file: one with the full bank for 'Synth1' and the other one with all the presets in individual fxp files.
This VST presets pack needs the free VST "Synth1" to run.
Archives compressées en format ZIP 19.4 KB

Dungeon Synth Free Samples : Drums & percussions

Dungeon Synth Drums and Percussions Free Samples Pack (Drum Loops and One shot samples)
In this pack you will find 25 samples of Dungeon Synth drums and percussions (one shot and drum loops) to use in FL Studio, Reaper or any DAW.
Erang - Dungeon Synth Drums and Percussi
Archives compressées en format ZIP 14.1 MB

Dungeon Synth Free Samples Tome I

65 Dungeon Synth one shot samples of 10 keys, 10 strings, 10 leads, 10 pads, 10 percussions, 5 plucked, 5 sfx & 5 noises.

FREE DOWNLOAD HERE ▶ https://erang.bandcamp.com/album/dungeon-synth-free-samples-pack


Dungeon Synth Free Samples Tome II

60 Dungeon Synth one shot samples of 10 Drone, 13 Pad, 5 lead, 5 piano vintage, 5 plucked strings, 5 toms, 10 metal percussion & 7 weird sounds. FREE DOWNLOAD HERE ▶ https://erang.bandcamp.com/album/dungeon-synth-free-samples-pack-tome-ii


Documentary about the History of Dungeon Synth

A great live demonstration by Francis Roberts with the samples

How to make Dungeon Synth

Dungeon Synth VST : my TOP 10 favorite plugins (instruments and effects)

About Dungeon Synth...